echo $marginal;
if (!empty($contentAr['File'])) {
foreach ($contentAr['File'] AS $file) {
$text = ($file['linktext'] != '') ? $file['linktext'] : 'More Details...';
echo '
'.$this -> html -> link($text, '/files/pages/' . $file['filename'], array('target' => '_blank', 'escape' => false));
if (!empty($contentAr['File'])) {
foreach ($contentAr['File'] AS $file) {
$text = ($file['linktext'] != '') ? $file['linktext'] : 'More Details...';
echo '
'.$this -> html -> link($text, '/files/pages/' . $file['filename'], array('target' => '_blank'));
We would like to acknowledge that the tools included in our toolbox rely on previous work of many other authors. Some references are provided for each tool and case study, but they are not comprehensive. Furthermore other online toolboxes exist. A set of links is provided below.
Links to other online-toolboxes:
Griffith University (Australia) URP Toolboxy:
Participation Compass (UK):
IAP2`s Public Participation Toolbox: